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New Chapter for the gallery, August 2024!


New Chapter for the gallery, August 2024!

Please join us for an evening filled with art at Gallery 945 on Chung King Road. We will be celebrating a new chapter for the gallery, showcasing works from various local artists. For our first show, Jotham Hung's ceramics. Opening: De-constrictFriday, August 2nd, 2024, 6:00-9:00 PMRSVP Gallery 945www.gallery945.com945 Chung King Road,Los Angeles, 90012

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Conversations with Before The Lights

Conversations with Before The Lights

Conversations from the past

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New project

New project

I’m reaching out to professional and pro-level photographers around the world for a project I’m passionate about: shooting portraits of people who are experiencing homelessness. Portraits that emphasize their dignity and humanity rather than their plight, portraits that bring us closer together rather than widening the gulf that separates us. If you’re interested, message me with your email address and I’ll contact you with details.

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PLAYBOY Cover Summer 2019

PLAYBOY Cover Summer 2019

Hi Everyone! Please see the link or image below to read about my recent work in creating the Q3 Summer 2019 PLAYBOY cover.  

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Dive Into My Playboy Interview!


Dive Into My Playboy Interview!

Hi friends,  Here's a recent interview I did for Playboy on my Underwater Series. Enjoy!  ;click the image)

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